App Design
Dancen is an app for dancers to social, chat, network and collaborate. Users can discover high quality, diversified social scenes while creating great dance works.

Product Design
Visual Design
Final UI
Product Design
Visual Design
Final UI
Project Type
Self Initiated
Jun. 2021 - Aug. 2021
Jun. 2021 - Aug. 2021
Streetdance originated from America, Korea and Japan. In recent years, as Kpop culture entered the Chinese market, streetdance became popular among gen Z. A substitute for gym, friendly to starters, it has attracted people of all ages in China. There are a variety of dance studios and dance classes everywhere.
The way that Chinese streetdancers social is having dance classes. However, the pandemic caused concerns for them to go to classes. Online classes replaced in-person ones, but what was lost at the same time was efficiency as well as communication. Dancers now need a platform to better connect to each other.
The way that Chinese streetdancers social is having dance classes. However, the pandemic caused concerns for them to go to classes. Online classes replaced in-person ones, but what was lost at the same time was efficiency as well as communication. Dancers now need a platform to better connect to each other.

User Personas

Competitive Study

Product Design
The Fogg Behavior Model suggests that user behavior, that is the action to use the app, will happen under 3 conditions: motivation, ability, and trigger.

User Flow


Visual Design




Final UI