App Improvement


Artsy is the largest online art marketplace with more than one million artworks by over one hundred thousand artists. The project aims to build trust between buyers and sellers.


Product Design
Visual Design
Final UI
Project Type

School Project
Team Member: Yuxi Lyu

Nov. 2021 - Dec. 2021


In order to add an effective and reasonable feature, we first needed to identify exactly what the app is good and not good at. Preliminary research included demographics, app flow and competitive study.


We interviewed seven users, having them use the app as they want, try the main features, and asked them questions based on the script we wrote.

We collected their feedback, made affinity map and user journey maps.

Affinity Map

User Journey Maps

Product Design

Major Pain Point
Difficult to build a good trust relationship with the app and the artists.

Allow users to confirm the authenticity and value of artworks with certified materials;

Provide detailed and diversified information about the artist’s life, experiences, events, videos, etc.

Based on the trust formula, we wrote down some new features that can be added to the artist profile page, corresponding to the different components of the trust formula.

For example, the new feature of bidding history demonstrates transparency. In a blockchain, as a shared database, all information of the artwork is transparent and cannot be changed, which helps prevent fraud.

We did a typographic anatomy of the original app, used the original branding to make wireframes to ensure consistency.

Final UI

“Trust” Highlights

  • Current bidding price
  • Bidding time and status
  • Bidding history
  • Certificate
  • Artwork details
  • Artist’s voice
  • Artist’s life experiences
  • Interviews and articles
  • Artist’s events
  • Contact form

Artwork Page (Before)

In the original interface, there is no authentication services, nor any certified information about the artwork itself that is convincing.

Artist Event (New Page)

Artwork Page (After)

Artist Articles (New Page)

We added more resources about the artist from other platforms. Users can get a more thorough understanding of the artist’s life experiences, big events, and personalities.
Bidding History (New Page)

Bidding history demonstrates transparency. In a blockchain, as a shared database, all information of the artwork is transparent and cannot be changed, which helps prevent fraud.